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FNB Gas e.V. submitted the draft application for the hydrogen core network

FNB Gas e.V. today submitted the draft application for the hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. “This marks the next milestone in the realization of the core network,” emphasizes Barbara Fischer, FNB Gas Managing Director.

Entwurf Wasserstoff-Kernnetz

The transmission system operators (TSOs) have been working flat out on the final modeling and optimization over the past few weeks. The total length of the optimized core grid is around 9,700 km . Of this, 710 km is accounted for by pipelines from 17 other potential hydrogen network operators, which the TSOs received as part of the opportunity to comment on the first planning status by 28.7.2023. The core network consists mainly of converted natural gas pipelines (approx. 60%). The investment costs amount to € 19.8 billion €. The feed-in and feed-out capacities amount to around 100 GW and 87 GW respectively“The draft of the core network thus fulfills the goals of a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient and quickly realizable hydrogen network by the target year 2032, which are anchored in the EnWG amendment to the hydrogen core networkThis puts Germany at the forefront of infrastructure development in Europe,” continued Fischer.

The submission of the draft application also marks the start of the first consultation of the draft core network by the Federal Network Agency on its website. Once the amendment to the EnWG on the hydrogen core grid (Sections 28o – 28s) comes into force, the grid operators are expected to officially submit the final joint application in the first quarter of 2024, which will then be consulted on, reviewed and approved by the Federal Network Agency.

To the complete press release

More informations

Current information on the H2 core network (link)

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