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Information on data protection

Information on data protection

You, as the person whose personal data is being processed, are the "data subject" and, as such, we would like to give you an overview of the processing of your personal data and your associated rights. 

We exclusively process your personal data in compliance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). We also do not process more data than is absolutely necessary and this is anonymised wherever possible. 

Status: 01.01.2024

1.    Who is responsible and who can I contact?

We, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, process your personal data and are the responsible "controller". You can reach us at the following address:

ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH
Maximilianallee 4
04129 Leipzig, Germany
Telephone + 49 341 27111-0
Fax +49 341 27111-2004

If you have any questions on the data protection information, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the following contact details:

ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH
Datenschutzbeauftragter (Data Protection Officer)
Maximilianallee 4
04129 Leipzig, Germany

2. What personal data do we process?

We collect personal data as part of your use of this website. Specifically, this includes: personal information (e.g. email address), your IP address as well as other data comparable to the aforementioned categories. Your access data (URL of the website from which the file was requested, name of the accessed file, date and time of the request, transmitted data volume, the access status, the internet browser used and the IP address of the computer sending the request) is also saved when using this website.
Furthermore, we process personal data from public sources (e.g. the internet).

3. From what sources do we obtain your data?

We process personal data that you provide when using this website or contact us. 
Furthermore, we process personal data from public sources (e.g. the internet).

4. Why do we process your data and what is the legal basis?

There are several bases on which your personal data can be processed:
First of all, your personal data is processed based on your consent, (Art. 6 (1) letter a GDPR to receive information on the Initiative Wasserstoff. Region. Ostdeutschland. or on its events. Your data is exclusively processed within the scope of the consent that you have provided and only for purposes for which you have granted your approval.
On the other hand, we need to process your data to meet our contractual and non-contractual obligations towards you (Art. 6 (1) letter b GDPR). For example:

  • data processing occurs to execute contracts/ to implement pre-contractual measures at your request.

We process your data as well to meet our statutory obligations as a controller (Art. 6 (1) letter c GDPR). For example:

  • to comply with commercial and tax retention periods;

If necessary, we process your personal data beyond the actual fulfilment of contractual or statutory obligations to safeguard our legitimate interests or those of third parties (Art. 6 (1) letter f GDPR). For example:

  • to enforce rights,
  • internal statistical purposes.
5. Who receives your data?

Within the company, your data can be accessed by employees who require this data to meet our statutory and contractual obligations. Assigned service providers (especially processors), vicarious agents, who provide e.g. IT services also have access to your personal data.
This data is not sold or otherwise marketed.

6. YouTube

This website contains links to YouTube. YouTube is an internet platform, which allows its registered users to upload videos (e.g. movies and tv shows, music videos, trailers or own videos) and other users to watch these videos. Operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Our website is not connected with YouTube but contains links to YouTube. You will not be transferred to YouTube until you click on a YouTube link. On our careers portal YouTube-videos are embedded via a 2-click-solution. Only when you activly click on a video, your data is transmitted to YouTube. The processing of your personal data is based on your consent. Learn more about YouTube´s Privacy Policy on

7. Use of cookies – user analysis

Cookies are text files that are saved on your terminal. Our website uses a few technically necessary cookies. Most of the cookies used by this website are so-called "Session Cookies". They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit. Other cookies are saved on your terminal until they are deleted by you. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser during your next visit.
You can set your browser so that you are informed of the use of cookies, so that you can permit cookies in individual cases, while excluding the use of cookies in certain cases or in general, and you can also enable the automatic deletion of cookies when closing your browser. Disabling cookies may restrict the functionality of this website.
User analysis with Matomo
ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH uses Matomo, an open source user analysis tool ( to evaluate the user access to our website statistically. Matomo uses cookies to generate user information which is transferred to our server and stored for analysis purposes. The IP addresses of the users are anonymized immediately after processing and before they are stored.
A statistical evaluation of your use of our website with the tool Matomo requires your prior consent via your cookie selection. A Matomo-cookie will only be installed in your browser software if you select the use of statistical cookies (opt-in). If you don´t accept statistical cookies no Matomo-cookies are generated in your browser.

8. How long is your data stored?

We process and store your personal data as long as this is necessary for our contractual and statutory obligations.
Once the collection has satisfied its underlying purpose the data is regularly erased, unless temporary further processing is required. For example, this particularly includes compliance with commercial and fiscal archiving periods (German Commercial Code, German Tax Code and the German Money Laundering Act – archiving for up to ten years) as well as the preservation of evidence as part of statutory limitation periods (up to 30 years – the regular limitation period is three years).

9. What rights do you, the "data subject", have?

As a data subject, you have various rights:

  • A right of access (Art. 15 GDPR)
  • A right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)
  • A right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)
  • A right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR)
  • A right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR)
  • A right to object (Art. 21 GDPR)
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR)

Your rights are subject to a few legal exceptions. For example, your right is restricted for research and statistical purposes (Section 27 (2) BDSG) or for archiving purposes in the public interest (Section 28 (2) and (3) BDSG). Other exceptions include: Section 34 and 35 BDSG and Art. 17 (3) GDPR.
Comprehensive information on your right of objection in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR is provided below in the "Your Rights of Objection" section.
In addition, if the personal data was collected based on your consent, you also have the right to revoke this consent from us at any time. However, please note that this kind of revocation only takes effect for the future and any processing that has occurred to date remains lawful.
Regarding the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority we would like to give you the contact information of the competent authority: Der Sächsische Datenschutz- und Transparenzbeauftragte, Devrientstraße 5, 01067 Dresden or P.O. Box 110132, 01330 Dresden.

10. Are you obliged to disclose your personal data to us?

When you submit an enquiry, we require the data necessary to process your enquiry and to meet the associated obligations as well as the data which we are obliged to collect by law. In the context of a (pre-) contractual relationship, your data is needed to conclude or execute contracts. Without this data, we will generally not be able to process your request or to meet our statutory or contractual obligations.
Among the data you provide us with, is personal data, which we need to get or stay in contact with you.


11. Does automated decision-making occur?

Effectively, no automated decision-making occurs. However, if we were to use this type of method in some exceptional cases, we would inform you of this matter separately, if this is required by law.

12. Information in case of a change of purpose

We will naturally immediately inform you if the reason for processing your personal data changes.


 Your rights of objection


1. Individual right of objection

Specifically, the previously mentioned right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR means that you always have the right to object to the processing of your data for reasons relating to your specific situation. This requires the data processing to have occurred in the public interest or based on a balance of interests (Art. 6 (1) letter e or f GDPR). This also applies for any corresponding profiling.

If you object to the processing of your personal data, we will no longer process this data, unless we are able to provide evidence of compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, enforce or defend against legal claims.


2. Right of objection against processing for the purposes of direct marketing

In accordance with Art. 21 (2) GDPR, you as the "data subject" also have a separate right of objection in the event that your personal data is used for direct marketing. This also applies for profiling, if this is related to direct marketing.
If you exercise this right of objection, we as the "controller" will no longer process your personal data for this purpose. 


3. Who should I direct my objection to?

An objection does not need to be submitted in a specific form, but should be directed to:

ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH
Datenschutz (Data Protection)
Maximilianallee 4
04129 Leipzig, Germany