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Federal cabinet decides to update the National Hydrogen Strategy

The Federal cabinet today adopted the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy. The decision by the Federal cabinet was preceded by a political agreement of all Federal ministries, including of the five lead ministries for hydrogen, i.e. the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Federal Ministry of Research. 

Press release by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

The National Hydrogen Strategy from 2020 remains in place in principle, but is now being further developed with the update to the increased level of ambition in climate protection and the new challenges on the energy market. It sets state guidelines for the generation, transport and use of hydrogen and its derivatives and consolidates the measures of the Federal Government. The stated aim of the German government is to ensure a reliable and sustainable supply of green hydrogen.

Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action said: "By updating the National Hydrogen Strategy, we are setting the framework for the new phase in the hydrogen market ramp-up, which we have consistently initiated since taking office: from research and demonstration to large-scale production. Investing in hydrogen is an investment in our future, in climate protection, in skilled jobs and the security of energy supply. The updating of the hydrogen strategy gives these investments a reliable basis and sets the course for close cooperation with our partners in Europe and around the world. In order to successfully implement the strategy, we are also currently working at full speed to create the necessary infrastructure."

The full press release on the BMWK website

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