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TSOs present current planning status for the hydrogen core network

TSOs give potential hydrogen network operators the opportunity to comment and report further infrastructure for the hydrogen core network. Federal Ministry of Economics gives federal states, associations and other stakeholders the opportunity to comment. TSOs expect timely introduction of integrated gas and hydrogen network development planning for further expansion stages of the hydrogen core network.

Press release by the Association of Transmission System Operators for Gas (FNB Gas e.V.)

Berlin, July 12, 2023. The German hydrogen core network as the first stage of the future hydrogen infrastructure is taking shape: With the planning status published today, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) present a first modeling result for the future supra-regional hydrogen core network by 2032. “The TSOs fully supports the German government’s goal of quickly and cost-effectively establishing a Germany-wide hydrogen infrastructure that enables market ramp-up and is embedded in the EU internal market. The planning status presented today is the first step. We are continuing to work at full speed to submit a joint draft for an optimized hydrogen core network to the Federal Network Agency by the fall“, says Barbara Fischer, FNB Gas managing director.

In May, the German government launched a draft amendment to the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG) that lays the regulatory, antitrust and network planning foundations for the development of an expandable hydrogen core network. The draft law is currently in the parliamentary process, which is expected to be completed by the fall.

A Germany-wide core network is the desired signal of departure for all players along the value chain. However, a key prerequisite is also the legal anchoring of a financing model that ensures marketable network charges and, at the same time, capital market-capable financing by the network operators“, emphasizes the Chairman of the Board of FNB Gas Dr. Thomas Gößmann.

The full press release and further information and downloads are available on the FNB Gas e.V. website. (link)

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